Hear from our Life Skill Course Participant Wassu

Wassu Sulaiman Chuko 26 years Kabarto Camp, Duhok (Internally Displaced Person) “I believe women naturally possess different soft skills, however we all need to empower ourselves with the right tools to excel. At Weh Center, the Life Skills Course, helped me polish my personality and gave me the encouragement to handle tough situations that I face as a teacher in a camp, resulting in an improvement in not only my own psychological state but also that of my students.” After escaping ISIS, Wassu was in grade 11 when her education was paused for almost two years. In spite of the financial hurdles, being ambitious to complete her studies, she managed to graduate from the physics department. With a passion of fighting for girl’s education, she became a teacher at a school in the camp. Her salary was not stable and she felt demotivated as the students were not curious to learn and discouraged overall due to the harsh realities of life. Wassu herself found it difficult to control her emotions and responses and realized she needed to develop her own capacities to help her students. Her principal recommended her to enroll for the Life Skills Course at the Center. The Course has helped her to understand how to deal with difficult situations, improve her conflict resolution skills, she has learned to be more empathetic with her students, resulting in an improvement in their attitude towards her. She feels that this course has enabled her to develop her personality in a way she never imagined possible.