Hear from our Computer Course Participant Bafreen

Bafreen Hasan Mohammed 25 years Masike, Duhok (Host Community) “I think that success is not about a perfect circumstance, but it is about taking a step forward for the better. As an anxious mother, whose job options were limited, due to her son’s illness, I always bound myself to fate. But it was through taking a chance and enrolling for the Computer Course, I got access to other opportunities, making me realize that I chart my own path and I hope to teach my son the same too” Bafreen graduated with a BSc in biology, working in hospitals outside the city. The illness of her son forced her to take jobs, closer to home. However, after the loss of two jobs, due to her lack of skills with technology and basic use of computer programs, she slipped into depression and started staying at home all day. When she heard about the Computer Course at Weh Center, she took the step to register and was able to learn basic programs and use of computers which helped her tremendously. Due to the improved skills and optimism, she began applying for jobs and found one close to her house. Having a network of new friends has also improved her mental health, leaving her optimistic and hopeful even about her son’s situation.