
The Zumba training is a fun exercise designed to improve mood and get fit. Most participants come with the purpose of improving their health – through exercise and adjusting their diet and nutrition. Both aerobic exercises and flexibility trainings are mixed into the course, with variation in the exercises. Each course is for a period of 12 sessions. The Benefits of the Zumba course: • Fun and enjoyable workout • Cardiovascular fitness • Calorie burning and weight loss • Full-body workout • Improve coordination and rhythm • Stress relief and mood enhancement • Increase energy and stamina • Social engagement and community • Improve flexibility and agility • Boost self-confidence and body positivity Participants reported a positive difference in their mental and physical health. Almost all the women lost weight and got fit, while others became more flexible and had reduced pain in their body and joints. Some of the women had stopped their medications or decreased them, and their health condition improved.
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Yoga is beneficial in relaxing the mind and escaping the everyday pressure and stress to clear the t ...

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The stretching training is designed to help women regain their flexibility to be able to carry out e ...